About Me
I dedicate this healing arts journey to my mother, Virginia Rose Niles (6/17/36-1/29/15), my biggest supporter and creative inspiration who probably never felt 100% freedom embodied and moved through far too many trauma related health challenges with dignity and strength. Love you mom. __________________________________________________________
Conventional stuff:
M.A. Holistic Health Education, John F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill, CA
B.S. Criminal Justice and Sociology, California State University, Hayward, CA
Minister, Universal Life Church Ministries, online, USA
Massage Therapy 600 Hour, Center for Massage and Natural Health, Asheville, NC
(CA) CAMTC #73114, (NC) LMBT #20063
Certified in Sound Healing and Therapy, Globe Institute of Sound, Sausalito, CA
Certified in McL0ughlin Scar Tissue Release: MSTR, Sacramento, CA
Certified in Reiki levels I, II and III and Animal Reiki, Asheville, NC and Marin, CA
Integral Anatomy: Gil Hedley, Colorado, Online
BioGeometry: Ibrahim Karim, Egypt, Online
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release: MSTR, Sacramento, CA + MSTR Sports Course
Touch, Presence and Healing: Massage Therapy Institute, David, CA
Trauma Touch Therapy: Colorado School of Healing Arts, Lakewood, CO
Spring Forest Qi Gong, Master Chunyi Lin, Online Education, Personal Practice
Explain Pain: NOI Group, Oakland CA
Pressing Reset: Original Strength, San Francisco, CA
Advanced Esalen Techniques, Mobilization and Traction: Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Deep Bodywork: Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Modern Cupping Therapy: MCT Education Company, San Francisco, CA
Thai for the Table: Spirit Winds, Grass Valley, CA
Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy: Body Intelligence, Module 2, Berkeley, CA
AcuCraniAtsu: McKinnon Body Therapy Center, Oakland, CA
Ortho-Bionomy: SF School of Massage, Phase 4, 6, Exploration of Movement, Isometrics, Cranial
Clinical Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy Training Institute, Corte Madera, CA
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: McKinnon Body Therapy Center, Oakland, CA
Concussions and PTSD: Dave Berger, Alameda, CA
Advanced Myo-Fascial for Back and Neck: Ben Benjamin, San Francisco, CA